Jun 30, 2016
How does your Netflix queue look these days? If yours is like mine, it only seems to grow. Well, as one month ends and another begins, we might want to give it some attention. Some of those movies or TV shows we’ve been meaning to get around to might be going away in...
Jun 13, 2016
People decide to blog for a variety of reasons. Some people hope to bring awareness to an important topic that is otherwise overlooked by today’s media. Other bloggers just want to share their opinion on the things they find most interesting, like books, movies,...
Jun 11, 2016
It’s a Wi-Fi World! And what you can do with it. Most people associate the term “Wi-Fi” with the ability to browse the Internet wirelessly, but there really is much more to Wi-Fi wireless technology than just browsing the Internet. Ten years ago, no one...
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